Case Study
There is a large number of books and essays about prehispanic cosmology and its role in everyday activities of mayan, mexica, olmeca, among other cultures in mesoamerica, their importance shaping almost each aspect of their society is a fascinating and endless field of study for local and international institutions. The Prehispanic culture evolved through a long and slow process of assimilation of different Prehispanic gods, defined them not as beings of limitless power but as embodiment of the forces of nature. As in many polytheistic religions, these divinities were shared by more than one religious group, even in some cases, rival groups would have built temples for foreign gods in sign of respect. In the other hand, these gods had a specific task to fulfill, related primordially to agriculture, war or astronomy, and having in various cases clear defined personalities with anthropomorphic features.
Within this universe, Prehispanica is an graphic experiment inspired by sculptures, murals and glyphs; evidently this exercise is not the first attempt to modernized an aesthetic with more than 500 hundred years of existence and heavily charged with symbolism and tradition, having in mind the initiative of reviving and revalorazing their importance, which -worth saying- never has disappeared. However art is an ongoing conversation with the past and the promise for a future, and in between exists a vast array of journeys with the hope to find something that nobodies has discovered yet.
The rules of the project were simple, to keep a reduce color palette, to simplify and modernized the overall composition without sacrifice the beauty of traditional ornamentation so particular of prehispanic art, to find and refresh the geometry and bidimensionality of the original pieces, creating a original voice employing digital techniques that could speak to younger generations.
Commodity Aesthetics